Microgreen Series - How to grow MOONG DAL MICROGREEN
Green moong dal is actually moong bean. When it is split and the skin removed you get the yellow moong dal. It makes cooking easier but you need to give up on the fibre content that whole green moong has to offer.
Growing microgreens is relatively easy. Start with a very clean shallow plastic tray with drainage holes like the ones you get plants in from the nurseries or if that size is too big, use the plastic container you get salad greens in or use a divided nursery tray and put different seeds in each compartment. Put 1 to 2 inches of soil in the tray, moisten with water and pat lightly until it is flat. Sprinkle 2 to 3 tablespoons of seeds over the soil and gently pat them to make sure they have come in contact with the soil. Thoroughly mist the seeds with a spray bottle. Cover with another tray to keep them dark and keep them at room temperature. Mist the seeds 1 or 2 times a day, returning the cover. When seeds sprout so you can see them, remove cover permanently. Put in the light, indirect natural light or under grow lights, with good air circulation, watering as needed. Different lighting conditions can change the flavors of the microgreens being grown. For instance, corn microgreens are sweet when grown in the dark, but become bitter when exposed to light due to photosynthesis processes taking place in the sprouting plants.
When the first leaves appear, start tasting the microgreens every day so you can taste the difference as they mature and choose when you want to harvest them. For harvesting, trim the microgreens with a scissors just above the soil and a second harvest is possible. Use quickly or they will lose color and flavor.
The best way of storing microgreens is in clamshell containers. They will last one or two weeks. The clam shells protect the microgreens from getting crushed like they may in a plastic bag. However, wrapping them in a moist, not wet paper towel and putting them in a plastic bag in one of the refrigerator drawers also is a good plan.
Add microgreens to your salads or wraps for some extra crunch or blend them into smoothies and juices. You can sprinkle some microgreens as a garnish on almost any dish. Try them on top of pizzas, soups, curries, omelets, stir fries, pasta, and other hot dishes.
Microgreen Series - How to grow MOONG DAL MICROGREEN
Take any shallow tray and make small holes on it |
Add soil on the plate |
Sprinkle soaked moong dal on the soil |
Gently press the seeds |
Sprinkle some water |
Stack up on other tray or keep some weight on the tray so that it can germinate soon |
Place it under kitchen window |
With in 1 week the leaves will be grown |
Harvest when the leaves are only 2 |
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