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Showing posts with the label N'Oven- PLUM CAKE (traditional Christmas cake) -RUM PLUM CAKE-Pressure cooker

must try recipes

Carrot Cupcakes

 Carrot   Cupcakes Everyone seems to love Carrot Cake,  what I also like about them is how wonderfully moist they are and how flavorful they taste. I love this Carrot Cupcake recipe because it's so easy to make. No mixer is required. The time consuming part is the grating of the fresh carrots. I have included applesauce in the cupcake batter which, along with the oil, makes these cupcakes so moist. But, if you like, you could use an equal amount of grated apple or even crushed pineapple. You can also add 1/2 cup (120 ml) of currants or raisins to the batter. Carrot Cakes became popular with the health food craze of the 1970s. There are many theories on the origin of this cake, some say it descended from the English's baked carrot puddings or European steamed carrot puddings. Others say it may have come from German carrot breads. Carrots were used in European sweet cakes since the Middle Ages when other sweeteners were hard to find or just too expensive. In fact, carr...

N'Oven- PLUM CAKE (traditional Christmas cake) -RUM PLUM CAKE-Pressure cooker

N'Oven- PLUM CAKE (traditional Christmas cake) -RUM PLUM CAKE- Pressure cooker Never ever thing that people who had OVEN,OTG OR microwave can only bake, we can even bake in pressure cooker or without pressure cooker without adding salt or sand under it. SOAK THE DRY FRUITS IN RUM FOR MAXIMUM 1MONTH IF NOT 2DAYS "This is a great cake for those who find the usual cakes too filling. This is great for entertaining as well as for the family. If this cake stays more than 24 hours, it should be kept refrigerated." I have used wheat flour instead of maida and brown sugar. Indulge yourself to a Holiday Treat, loaded with Fruits n Nuts soaked in Rum… an Old fashioned Christmas Fruit Cake! Moist, Rich, and Luscious. So, another eventful year is coming to an end with a lot of excitement over the time, wrapping up on a sweet note with a Traditional, Old Fashioned Christmas Fruit Cake, aka Plum Cake. Plum cake races me back to my chil...